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Saturday, 21 September 2013

Grow taller 4 idiots - the imagination of ordinary people

Grow taller 4 idiots - the imagination of ordinary people
Grow taller 4 idiots - the imagination of ordinary people

Thumb received gifts from more than two thousand people, among whom was the then President of the United States Abraham Lincoln Grow Taller 4 Idiots Program. After a while the press fired the imagination of ordinary people with stories of a child who allegedly was the result of this wonderful marriage. Baby for a while even showed to the public, though of course it was a joke.

After a while the baby "died" from disease. America sincerely grieved and sympathized with the pair of midgets. Darwin Smith Grow Taller 4 Idiots Program - What is the cause of dwarfism? Why are there such deviations from the norm? Whether they are hereditary and inherited? To understand this, it is necessary to recall the basics of anatomy school.

The basis is the human skeleton spine - the core consisting of individual segments 33 - vertebra arranged in a column. Spine - the most ancient part of the human skeleton. In evolution, it appeared about 500 million years ago. Our evolutionary ancestors had more bones than in the skeleton of modern humans. Therefore, the body 300 of the developing baby bones is much more than in the body of an adult. In the development of some of the bones fuse together.

Human skeleton - complex engineering design - Suffice it to say that the upper limb of the person consists of 32 different bones. Most of them are small bones of the wrist, metacarpals and phalanges.

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