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Saturday, 21 September 2013

Grow taller 4 idiots - created new and new records of calcium salts

Darwin Smith Grow taller 4 idiots - They create new and new records of calcium salts, which are gradually composed of a dense part of the bone. As a result, bone grows in thickness, the more intense the work osteocytes, the faster the increase in the size of the skeleton. Part osteocytes, osteoblasts so called builds bone growth in areas that are located mainly in the middle of the transition points in its extremity bones.

That there is a so-called epiphyseal cartilage due to increased bone which extends in length. Another group of cells called osteoclasts, permanently destroys bone. This process is also necessary for normal skeletal growth, because the diameter of the cavity bones as they increase in length also increases. It is precisely because of osteoclasts.

In men, skeletal growth is the fastest in the 15-16 years and 20-24 years comes to an end. In women, it is the most intensive in the 12-13 years and 18-22 years comes to an end. Up to 50 years of growth in adult stays the same, and then begins to decrease by 1-2 cm per decade, average growth in the different nationalities ranging from 135 to 178 cm. Sometimes, however, are born very small people - dwarfs that with the light hand of Jonathan Swift are also called Lilliputians. As opposed to the growth of individuals at times clearly exceed the upper limit of normal.

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