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Saturday, 24 May 2014

1. Achilles tendon attaches to the heel bone

This muscle, which is the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel bone (calcareous) is composed of two distinct heads - M. gastronomes, below is a third of the heads - slues muscle (whole muscle for massive plantar flexing).
At the very foot still visible short muscles that are beginning and clamped there.
It combines the individual bones of the foot.
Their participation in the movement allow movement of the thumb (flexing, extension, abduction *, * abduction) and other phalanges
These small muscles are activated during adaptation to uneven legs, which have also seen pro prospective *.
Which simply means that your feet know where they currently stand?
Features legs
First of all I have to say that the human foot is an incredibly interesting article in our body.
Just the fact that we use it every day and loaded both statically and dynamically, in sports and in everyday life, it is certainly something different.
But, let's face it, how many times during the day at the peripheral portion of the limb and remember how we care about her?
The condition of our feet, which also applies to the position of transverse and longitudinal arch, we will mostly be interested in at the moment of a problem, pain or swelling.
A pre say this mischief might not manifest itself only in the legs.
Whole body because we work as a sort of chain, and therefore difficulties arising primarily in the bottom may occur in a completely different area.

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